Saturday, May 4, 2019

Another Prompt

You have the right to be accepted everywhere as a person according to law.

Prompt: Change Article #6 of the UN declaration of human rights so that the word “person” is replaced with...

  • Mosquito
  • Penguin
  • Truck
  • Emotion ✓

Humans beings are a hormonal, emotional mess. They could not be trusted as the overlords of planet earth. Their brains were primitive, and too often they were governed by their feelings. They were so caught up in their own problems, being naturally selfish, that they didn’t listen when the earth cried out in pain from their existence.

They were greedy. Everywhere they went, they left a trail of despair and ruin. Forests that had stood for thousands of years burned to the ground. Rivers filled with oil. It wasn’t because the humans needed to feed themselves, no, they had more than enough food to go around. It was because they couldn’t satisfy the rich. Whole ecosystems crumbled at the whim of the rich.

And why were there still families who starved? Children with bloodshot eyes and jutting ribs? No matter how many trees were cut, how many lakes and rivers drained, there were always those who hungered. Always those who remained thirsty.  

This is a tale of violence, tyranny and moral corruption. What could be more human than that?

It started with a young girl. She lived in Los Angeles, a fantastic city really. Not only for Hollywood and Disney Land, but for the juxtaposition between the rich and poor. There was a stark contrast between the white, black and Hispanic communities that could be observed here. The girl’s fate was like that of most children in the world. Her parents did not deserve to be parents really, for they were rotten to the core. That’s another problem with humans. They breed like rabbits. That’s why we started sterilizing them.

Raquel started off as a bright student with a promising future. In third grade, she won the class’s spelling bee. When she got home, she was in a jolly mood. She decided to treat herself to a chocolate bar, a rare luxury that her parents normally would not allow her.

She sat on the couch eating the chocolate bar when her mother finally came home from work.

“Raquel! What the hell do you think you’re doing? You haven’t even washed the dishes. I don’t work late night shifts as a nurse for you to be on your ass eating chocolate.”

Her mother snatched away the chocolate bar. She then gave her a lecture about how Raquel would become fat if she kept on eating sugary foods. She would look like a whale and no man would ever look at her.

“That’s fine by me. At least that way I won’t end up with four baby daddies like you.” Raquel snapped. Her circumstances had certainly forced her to mature early.

Whenever she talked back, she got a beating. Those were her only memories of her mother really, beatings and scoldings. Scoldings to sit up straight, to cross her legs, to not wear tight clothing because “it makes you look like a fat slut”, to stay out of direct sunlight or else her skin would get too dark. And of course there was always the ban on chocolate, cookies, ice cream and donuts.

But Raquel was anxious and depressed, so of course she would take on a habit of stress-eating. She ate and ate. By ninth grade, she was the fattest girl at school. Her mother was ashamed of her, and body-shamed her until she felt utterly worthless. That was the year Raquel cut her hair. She had long, brown hair before. It was very beautiful, and her mother had absolutely forbidden her from cutting it, saying “it’s the only thing about you that’s pretty”. But Raquel was only ever used to being called ugly by everyone else at school, so she decided to become even uglier.

She was once a good girl, innocent and pure, but she became a sadist and it’s all the fault of human society.

When the most popular, handsome boy at school caught her eye, she looked upon his cheerleader girlfriend with pure hatred. She started to get jealous, and jealousy is ultimately what turns people into monsters. It’s one of the worst emotions, and one of the most natural and common ones for humans to experience.

What a pitiful, terrible species.

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