Monday, December 9, 2019

Writing about Writing

To my loyal fans,

yer girl has been accepted for a writing position in the arts category of INKspire magazine. So stay tuned for more exciting updates on that :) .

Also, I had my article published in a University of Toronto publication (there are lots of student-run magazines and newspapers that get funding from U of T. Some of them have very specific topics.) The magazine that published my work is U of T's bilingual magazine, La Mosaic. They publish articles in both English and French about Francophone arts and culture. If you would like to check out the whole Autumn 2019 edition, here's the online pdf:
My article is on page 17 and 18 of the magazine.

This year,  I've really decided I'm going to "hustle" and try to get my worked published in as many places as possible. I'll be writing articles, poems and stories in any magazine, newspaper or online publication that will let me. I'll always tell my blog followers about my work so that they can read it. I'll also try to enter in writing contests. I'm going to try to be disciplined and work on my writing every day. The advantage to having this kind of writing system is that it means I will add a lot of new material to a portfolio. Unfortunately, it also means that I'm probably not going to have time to work on longer, more personal projects like the kind I do for self-expression and not really for the purpose of sharing with other people. This includes things like novels or poetry collections that are really personal. But hopefully eventually I can work on those things.

Look, if you want to make money from writing or you want to be able to flex on people by introducing yourself as a writer at parties, you're going to have to work for it. If you want to be a grant writer, you need to start small and work unpaid or low-salary jobs first in order to establish your reputation. Grant writing is an extremely competitive field and it's not for people who get discouraged easily or who don't have a strong work ethic.

For those of you who take the time to read my writing and tell me what you think about it, even if you don't like it, thank you so much! It means a lot to me.

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