Friday, September 1, 2023

No Simp September Day 1 #NoSimp2023

Okay I think #NoSimp2023 is going well for me so far. I had a session with my therapist that seemed to go well. basically there was something I felt really guilty about doing but my therapist tried to get me to forgive myself for it. I thought there was no way I could forgive myself, but honestly now I kind of understand I was in a very bonkers and delusional state for a long time. I can't blame people who are bonkers for doing certain things. They don't have control over their actions and my delusions were strong. That's been helping me move on and forgive myself for the situation and I know I will never do something like that again. Also I used to not agree with "inner child theory" but my therapist applies it to my life in a way that makes sense. I feel good because I've had so many cringe and mediocre therapists before, but this one seems like she's actually helpful. 

I went to the park with my parents and grandparents too so I actually touched grass and spent time with my family, which is also good. Also my dad had a Hindi song from the 1950s playing in the car and it contained a lot of riddles. I was kinda obsessed with it. The answer to one of the riddles was "corn" lmao. 

हरी थी मन भरी थी लाख मोती जड़ी थी 
हरी थी मन भरी थी लाख मोती जड़ी थी 
राजा जी के बाग़ में दुशाला ओढ़े खड़ी थी 
राजा जी के बाग़ में दुशाला ओढ़े खड़ी थी 
आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ आ 
कच्चे पक्के बाल हैं उसके मुखड़ा है सुहाना 
ईचक दाना कच्चे पक्के बाल हैं उसके मुखड़ा है सुहाना 
ईचक दाना बोलो क्या बोलो बोलो 

The personification here is crazy cause it's like "she was green, she was happy, she wore 100,000 pearls/she stood in the king's garden wearing a shawl/her hair was raw and ripe"

The maize kernels are called pearls, the corn is growing in a garden and the cornsilk is referred to as hair. The husk is the shawl. Honestly at first I had no idea what was going on because I thought these lyrics were literally describing a person (they are meant to sound like they're describing a woman) then I was like bruh this stanza is about corn. There are other interesting riddles in the song too but this was my favourite one. 

Another productive thing I did today was practice Anishinaabemowin (I've been pretty good about reviewing vocabulary every day using Anki). Idk if you guys have ever used Anki but it lets you make flashcards that you can save to your computer and review offline. It uses the spaced repetition technique to help you memorize things so you're seeing the words you don't know more often than the ones you already memorized. Don't ask me to say stuff in Anishinaabemowin because I hardly know anything yet. I can just recognize random words (animals, colours, numbers). And maybe if someone asked "Aaniin ezhi-ayaayan?" I would know they're saying "hi how are you?" and I could respond with "nimino-ayaa. giin dash?" (I'm good, how are you?). But I really can't do more than that cause I've only been learning this language for like a month lol. And unfortunately not with a class or a speaker, just with online resources. 

I should go do more stuff now to make the most of #NoSimpSeptember. Maybe I'll read. Or do some packing for moving in to my dorm room. I hate packing but it definitely needs to be done lol ;-;; okay well i know how to say i'll see u l8r it's gigaa-wabaamin naagaj. 

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