Okay guys don't cook me for being late with this post. I know that the holiday season has passed and that would have been a better time for grinchposting. But I can't stop thinking about him (the grinch). He literally lives rent-free in my head, and I think it is time to talk about him.
(Here is my artistic rendition of a girl with the grinch and a wooly mammoth in the background!!!!!!!!!!!)
So as y'all probably know, the grinch is a dr. seuss character. He's in the movie "how the grinch stole christmas." Also, in winter 2024-2025, it is now more important than ever to talk about him. This is because he is very trendy right now, and there are complex socioeconomic reasons for this!
You see, the grinch movie and grinch toys/grinch merch are usually marketed towards very young children. But now this is changing. Grinch merch is now very popular among teenagers and young adults. As a person in my early twenties, I understand the reasons for this. The holiday season is no longer cheerful for people. It was once a time when people would spend time together with their families. However, we are now facing a loneliness epidemic. Some people call this the "male loneliness epidemic." But this is inaccurate because it does not exclusively affect men. All genders and age groups are affected by it.
People now have fewer friends on average than previous generations did as well as less contact with their family. People are now on their sigma grindset 24/7 in order to succeed in their education or career. Or sometimes it is even just to make ends meet with a min wage job. All this grinding leaves them with no time to spend on building meaningful relationships with people, which is important for stress reduction and other mental health reasons. Having fulfilling relationships extends your lifespan!!
If you have no friends, it's like smoking 192 cigarettes a day. I made up that number, but you get the idea.
Yes, it is true that some people need less socialization than others and enjoy their solitude. But there are others who crave connection and are unable to find it in the modern age. All this brings me to Mr. Grinch. No matter how hard he copes, we can all tell that he craves human connection. The reason why he can't connect to people is because the Whos were very cruel to him during his childhood. They bullied and ostracized him. Now he has a fear of vulnerability and of connecting to others.
You may also be wondering about the grinch's political views. I will get to that in a second. First, have some knee surgery memes.
However, even tho i respect my fren and i think he is a big-brained individual, I disagree that The Grinch is a conservative. I think my fren is being biased because he's a lib. He is doing a very surface-level reading of the Grinch and he is not being generous to this character. Furthermore, the Grinch is NOT an incel!!! If you've actually seen the movie, a beautiful woman has a huge crush on him for basically her entire life.
I think it would be more accurate to say that the Grinch is scared of people, not that he hates them. He's scared because he was bullied by them as a child. Furthermore, he goes against tradition. He literally tries to steal Christmas. So how can he be a conservative if he defies tradition? And his reasons for opposing the tradition is not just to spite the Whos. It's because he believes Christmas is unethical and excludes people. It excluded him. Also, he thinks Christmas is bad for the environment. If you recall, all the presents that the Whos get end up as garbage. They are disposed eventually, because the Whos are a consumerist society and they don't care about how this affects the environment. All the trash is collected by the grinch and reused/recycled. Most conservatives do not even think climate change is real or that is possible to harm the environment. So how can the grinch be a conservative???
Also, he's not a sadistic character. He has empathy. Sure, he kind of needs his dog to remind him to be nice to people. But he doesnt ignore his dog. And he saved a little girl's life!!
I personally blame the Grinch's society more than the Grinch for his conditions. Also, he turns out to be a good guy in the end and he is forgiven.
This is all I have to say on this for now. This says a lot about society. What do you think?
Also, shoutout to the fren who gave me a grinch-themed box of skincare products for christmas. This proves my point about grinch stuff now being marketed to young adults instead of children because young adults find him more relatable now than they used to because of cultural and economic reasons.
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