Monday, July 24, 2023

Anti-Egirlism: A Manifesto

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all egirls and eboys are cringe and so are all their simps.
I am compiling a list of self-help tips to refer to later. These are just things that help me. Everyone is different, so they might not help you. But if they do, then great. You can refer to this ideology as "Anti-Egirlism" since a large part of it revolves around forgetting about egirls. Or you may call it the Anti-egirl manifesto. There are also examples of scenarios that may help you out, basically giving you a problem and solution. Good luck!

1. Being sad is not being yourself. Don't let it turn into your default mood. Ask yourself why you feel sad, and try to be solution-oriented to fix the problem. If there are certain times during the week where you feel overwhelmingly sad (like when you have no energy to do anything to distract yourself), try to take a nap until the feelings pass.

Example i. You feel stressed by a paper you have due soon. You write one sentence, because that's better than writing nothing.

Example ii. You feel guilty about hurting someone. You know you can refrain from contacting the person and give them space, even if it's hard. You can do it.

2. Don't use social media during your mental breakdowns. Take a nap until the feeling passes, vent to a friend or your parents privately, or listen to music that will distract you. It also helps to identify that you are having a sudden wave of overwhelming emotion, and that you should try to get a grip so you don't do anything impulsive you'll regret during these times.

Example iii. You feel like you want to die. You decide to take a nap for 2 hours and place your phone far away from your bed. When you get up, the feelings are much less intense.

3. Being clingy is not being yourself. Surround yourself with as many people as you can instead of latching on to one person.

Example iv. You have a great conversation with someone over coffee. You think you will see them again, but they don't respond to your messages. You don't dwell on it for longer than 3 seconds and ask someone else to go out with you instead.

Example v. Your university is hosting a social event at a pub for students in your grad program. You have some free time. You decide to go, and talk to a variety of people.

3. Don't think about people unless you're around them. No one is worth wasting headspace on.

Example vi. You hang out with someone. When you both get back home afterwards, you don't need to text them to say you had a good time. You don't need to care, and you can move on to the next thing you need to do that day.

4. Neglecting your external appearance is not being yourself. Take care of yourself enough that you don't feel like dying every time you look in the mirror.

Example v. You hate how your skin and the bags under your eyes look. You decide to go to sleep early to look more alive the next day.

4. Don't look for romance or physical touch from other people. You don't need these things to lead a full life. Do romantic things for yourself that you would have done for someone else.

Example vi. There is a restaurant you really want to take a girl to on a date because you think she will love it. You go alone and have a good time by yourself.

5. Do not befriend internet people, only irl people. Don't be tempted by how cool someone online is. They can hurt you more than an irl person can.

Example vii. You meet someone with uncannily similar interests online. You simply ignore them.

6. Immerse yourself in things you love learning about more than you love egirls or eboys.

Example viii. You really want to learn about the implications of the 1871 Criminal Tribes Act that the British colonial government passed in India. You read about it instead of responding to a message from an egirl.

7. There is no substitute for getting jacked, going hiking, learning a language, reading a great book or completing a creative project. And of course the best feeling is getting a good grade. No egirl can make you feel half as good as any of these things can. 

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