Thursday, September 13, 2018

Random untitled poem (kinda sucks)

All my life I've felt like an outcast,
never really belonging anywhere,
as a child of immigrants I've had my roots severed,
so that I'm neither from here nor from there

Over here my life is so much better,
as the rest of my people suffer from the remnants of a dark colonial past,

All my life I've been told I'm easily distracted,
my head in the clouds,
it's just that I've been thinking about the people who were once here,
when there were fields of corn all around,
the longhouses stood,
and peace was secured with wampum belts

You see, I'm done with the hypocrisy of the West,
how much it likes to pretend it's more morally enlightened than the rest

You can still imagine the hellish scene,
the people suffering from a foreign disease,
the babies crying through the night,
the children torn away from their parents,
never to hear their native tongue again,
they get Christianity rammed down their throats

Turn on the news and you'll see nothing's changed,
don't listen to the government when it says its policies about First Nations people are different,
you see, they still want them exterminated,
no one wants to deal with the indigenous problem anymore because it's such an inconvenience

Don't tell me that when I think of the time before Europeans came I'm idolizing the past,
Can't you see I'm not daydreaming idle dreams?
I'm dreaming for those who'll never dream again 

All my life I've been called too emotional,
as if I can never make a logically sound argument,
can anyone make an argument to justify genocide?

It's true I cry too easily, 
I don't know how to love another person without giving until I have nothing left to give,
but these emotions don't make me weak,
I have a heart and that's my strength,
I'll never comply and drop bombs from the skies because I was "just following orders"
so you can keep your lies

My parents are angered by my sadness,
they ask "how dare you aren't grateful when you have such a luxurious lifestyle?"
Can't you see that's exactly the problem?
Because every time I go back to visit my poor developing homeland I see crippled children with eyes bloodshot and I can count their ribs,
I see my people dehumanized because in this world European lives still matter more,
so many of my people are illiterate and suffering while I'm over here

I've lived here all my life,
if I went back I'd be seen as a foreigner,
but one day I want to go back any way and show them I've never forgotten my roots,
I know who I am,
everything I do is for them,
their joy mine,
their tears mine,
and if one day I'm actually successful in life somehow,
it will be a victory I win only for them


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