Monday, February 10, 2025

Edgy anti-school poem I found when I was going through the poetry I wrote in high school

So I was looking back on the poetry I wrote in high school (as someone who cringes even at things I wrote only a month ago, this was like self-inflicted psychological torture). However, I was trying to find out about what my thoughts and feelings were like back then due to some personal reasons that I will not mention here. It's like when I re-read my old diaries for "historical information" about a past situation I dealt with, so that I can learn something from it to apply to a similar situation in the present. I do historical research on myself... on my own lore... which is crazy. 

Anyway, one the most based things I found was this poem I wrote when I was in grade 12. It was about how much I hated school. It was just called "school." I'm posting this in case based school abolitionists may take some inspiration from it. 

Every day, in this stifling room I must sit,

wasting away, yet knowing my life depends on it,

the room is a prison, and the air baneful,

my knowledge of the subject at hand, abysmal,

it passes over me,

and in my sleep-deprived state,

I make countless mistakes on a test on which my future is staked

and even when the bell pierces through the numbness of my mind

I am not free,

for then I must return to my dreary home to show them the number they anxiously await,

the number, my score,

because all I ever will be is a number, nothing more

I'll read deep into the night until the words are seared into my soul,

until my eyes are bloodshot and the words no longer register in my brain,

and every day I'll wake up to do it all again

I wanna give the seventeen year-old version of myself a hug cause she was going through a rough time lmao. This was literally so edgy, but so real. You can leave a comment on the original on DeviantArt if you wish. I posted this poem back in 2018: 

By the way fam, my fren (lets be honest he's more of a Special Fren if u know what I mean ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)) recently sent me an anti-school manifesto that he found that was incredibly based. My other fren also thought this article was based. I do not know who wrote it, however it was very interesting. And I think I might post my own anti-school manifesto on this blog soon. But I don't know if I will take a softer approach (school reform rather than school abolition). The person who wrote the article was very in favour of school abolition though. He thinks reformists are cowards who just wish their favourite subject was taught in a better way. 

I think this person could benefit from some reading on the history of British patterned education systems or the colonial imposition of foreign school systems in other countries. They would only find massive amounts of historical evidence to support their claims. Furthermore, a study of school-free historical and cultural societies could help with developing a modern school-free society. 

Stay tuned for Snekcoatl's anti-school manifesto!! 

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