Tuesday, October 10, 2023

13 things I like about myself

1. I have an honours degree with a high gpa from one of the best universities in my country

2. I was able to maintain a bunch of close, extremely wholesome friendships from high school by being a loyal fren!! They all regularly talk to me and express how much they value me. 

3. I make very cool drawings of women in traditional clothing and animal-human interactions!! 

4. I am the best walker in my Pacer app group. I get at least 10,000 steps a day and I am defeating my worst enemy. 

5. I did my first 5 km run this month and had a great time! Met some cool people through it. 

6. I won a scholarship for my masters!!!! It covers my whole tuition. 

7. I have great taste in music (extremely cultured) and I go to live medieval and renaissance concerts. 

8. I don't get nervous during public speaking because I know I sound based 

9. I stopped my nailbiting habit and I actually like how my nails look now!!!

10. I can pull off funky colourful hipster clothing and also light academia very well 

11. I am working hard to improve myself

12. I eat way less sugar now than I used to

13. I am making this list to help me with my self-esteem ❤️

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